This is Harry Dandison Dewey. He goes by Dan. He lives in Michigan and he buys A LOT of coffee. Several years ago, Dan started buying coffee for his dad while his dad went through chemotherapy treatments for prostate cancer. Before leaving to get coffee for his dad, Dan would ask everyone else in the room if they wanted anything.
And that’s how he started making “Dan’s Coffee Run,” which, according to his website has him visiting two different Michigan cancer centers every week.
Which makes sense. He buys a lot of coffee. Dan buys about 90 cups of Starbucks coffee a week and calculates he has delivered around 13,000 hot drinks to local cancer clinics over the last eight years.
Dan’s dad sadly passed away in 2008, but he still delivers the coffee every week. He’s only missed one week since 2006.
They raised several thousand dollars for Dan, covering him for the last few years. When those funds run short, Dan picks up the tab himself.
According to this amazing profile of Dan, as long as he can bring a smile to people’s faces, the coffee run, no matter how much it costs, will always be worth it.
In the profile on Dan, a breast cancer patient named Christine talks about how much Dan’s visits help:
“It’s wonderful,” says Christine Jarosz, a breast cancer patient from Sylvan Lake who said she’s living “cat scan to cat scan.” “It’s not wonderful being here, but just this bit of brightness just helps all of us and we’re grateful.”
She smiles at Dewey.
“The smile is all I need to show up,” Dewey says, causing her smile to widen. “See, right there. That’s it. If I can count on that, forget the rest.”
Watch this amazing video below for more about Dan. Plus, what’s not to like about his awesome mustache?
Dan’s Everylove Story
He’s one of the most inspiring people we’ve ever met. Every week, he does a coffee run for the staff and patients at the Michigan Cancer Institute in St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
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