After This Guide Dog Lost His Sight, His Owner Did Something Remarkable

When Graham Waspe’s loyal guide dog of six years – Edward – was diagnosed with a rare form of glaucoma, Waspe was devastated. The local animal hospital did everything they could to preserve Edward’s sight, but ultimately had to remove his eyes to alleviate the pain and prevent further damage.

Graham was at a loss. He knew he needed a new guide dog to help him navigate his surroundings, but he didn’t want to abandon his loyal friend whom he loved dearly.

Enter Opal, a two-year-old female that would soon guide both Edward and Graham.


The duo became a trio, and the three of have gotten along harmoniously ever since.

guide-dog-loses-sight-so-owner-gets-a-new-guide-dog-for-both-of-them-3Despite the loss of his eyes, Edward still loved nothing more than to have his tummy tickled and receive lots of attention.

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While Edward is well-known across the schools and community groups, Opal is now building his own reputation as their owners give talks about the Guide Dogs charity, training for such special dogs, and the incredible ways they help their owners.

Thumbs up for Edward, Opal, and Graham!


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