Kids can be the cutest thing on Earth, but they can also drive you crazy when they cry for silly reasons. But sometimes the cause of their tears are so absurd that we can’t help but laugh.
Nowadays there’s a funny site for everything, and in this case, there is a website called Reasons My Son Is Crying, a user-submitted collection of kids crying for the funniest reasons. In this post, you can see our favorite picks, the ones that made us laugh the most. I’ll have to say, though, it was hard to narrow it down.
1. It should be ready when he’s ready!
2. Seems like a legitimate concern to me!
3. Lord help us all!
4. But she got the one I wanted!
5. Totally legit. I’d cry too man!
6. He was only supposed to smell it!
7. I mean, who does that? Who?
8. I bet Casper’s hiding around there somewhere…
9. More often than not, you always go somewhere even when parentals say otherwise! So this tantrum is completely validated.
10. Almost as bad as Miley.
11. But that’s not what the internet says!
12. Who would?
13. That’s what bigger sisters are for…but payback’s a bitch!
14. I honestly have nothing to say on this one…I mean, who wouldn’t be happy about this?
15. Keep coloring, kid. Maybe it’ll happen one day. Persistence is key.
16. OMG! Send these parents to jail!
17. Laziness starts at such a young age these days…
18. Well, I mean, T-Rex should be able to eat someone’s head!
19. Mom, you should have caught it!
20. I might cry, too…especially if he had that look on his face.
21. Where the hell is it?!?!
22. But all the cool kids are doing it, Mom!
If you found these funny, be sure to share with your friends and take a look at Reasons My Son is Crying to see more.