Japanese artist Hirotoshi Ito does something very special. In his masterful hands, common rocks become strange, unsettling and humorous creations that will make you look twice.
He goes beyond just carving into stone.
By doing so, he transforms each rock into a variety of whimsical versions of themselves from an alternate universe.
His creativity has no limits.
His creations are very realistic. It’s hard to believe that this rock isn’t actually a change purse.
Sometimes it takes him a long time to get a hard rock in a certain shape.
The stones are collected from his walks along his neighborhood’s riverbed.
He’s been influenced by surrealists such as René Magritte and Salvador DalÃ.
The stone sculptor says, “Although I work with various kinds of stones, most of my work consists of optimizing a stone’s original shape.”
“While utilizing the image that a stone is hard, I think even from now on I would like to express the warmth and humor.”
He’s also really skilled at brilliantly creating something you’ve never seen in your life.
Check out the artist’s website.